Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Covid-19 Resources

Medical Symposium about the lessons learned from the 1918 Flu and their applications to COVID-19

Can treatments used during the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak be used to combat the pandemic we currently face? Learn from top medical professionals from across the country for an online symposium as they share lessons learned that could be applied today!

Here is a site with more detailed information about hydrotherapy (presented above) in general, as well as a link to information on using hydrotherapy specifically as it relates to Covid-19.

COVID-19 Medical Symposium 2: Urban and Rural Delivery

Join us as we investigate the past utilization of Ultraviolet Radiation and Open Space as a treatment for physical and mental illness in the 1918 Pandemic Flu and ask the question does this have any role for our front-line war with COVID-19 and if so how does this relate to diversity in Urban and Rural delivery? The 1918 H1N1 influenza Pandemic was a serious threat to the United States and much of the world, resulting in the death of over 50 million people. SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19 has so far resulted in over 133,000 deaths globally and had a profound effect on each of our overall lives physically, financially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In part 1 of our Medical Symposium entitled, “Novel Lessons Learned from the 1918 Flu: Could they Apply to the COVID-19 Pandemic” we discovered there were some unusual treatments employed during the Spanish Flu that had good results, namely Hydrothermal Therapy (HT). We were also intrigued to find that HT has some scientifically positive implications for COVID-19. This week, we continue part 2 of our Medical Symposium, as we seek to review the past as an informational opportunity for potential conjunctive treatments for COVID-19.

Medical Symposium 3: Nutrition, Exercise and Racial Disparity in COVID-19 Death Rates

Join us as we explore the benefits of nutrition and exercise-induced antioxidants and the racial disparities in COVID-19 death rates. Why is it that African Americans are at a higher risk?

Medical Symposium 4: Self-Restraint and Sleep - Keys to Reopening the Globe

Daily we are inundated with the question of when and how we should “Reopen” America and the globe. Cities, States, and Countries differ on their preferred approach to the matter and no one is quite sure how to proceed. As individuals, how do we approach the issue? How do we protect ourselves, families, patients and the community we reside in? Evaluating the past and comparing it to today the current Pandemic the answer that we have routinely seen established is the need to “Optimize the immunity”. Over the past 4 weeks we have examined 6 historical methods from the 1918 Pandemic and found them to be scientifically applicable to us today. This Sunday’s final Medical Symposium, “Proper Sleep and Self-Restraint Keys to Re-Opening the Globe” will address two additional methods and investigate their validity to today’s COVID-19 crisis. Proper sleep is well known to have immune modulating effects. This week our expert panel of physicians will address the issue of sleep and the immunity. In addition, world renown physicians will also examine the relationship of certain common substances and their effect on the innate and learned immunity.

Here is a page with links to .pdf copies of slides used for presentations 1, 2, and 4 above, as well as links to other health topics.

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