
This page is for links to various adoption-related websites and blogs that (I hope) others will find helpful.
  • Adoption Lifebooks (Beth is an adopted daughter, a social-worker, and the mother of an internationally adopted daughter. I've been receiving her monthly newsletters for several years, and have found them very informative. Her Lifebook tips will give foster and adoptive parents ways to help their foster or adopted child process his or her situation. In addition, Internationally-adopting parents will find suggestions for kinds of information to try to get while in-country, going through the adoption process -- information they might wish they had later, when they no longer have easy access to it.)
  • Parenting That Heals (Christie and her husband, Mike have four adult sons. They have also adopted 4 older girls, one from US foster care (if I remember right), one directly from Eastern Europe, and two already in the US from disrupted International adoptions, one of whom was disrupted twice. I have read Christie's entire blog, start to finish, and I have been blessed. While every situation is different (and, with no personal adoption experience, I am definitely "on the outside looking in"), I believe she offers insights into the "whys" of behaviors that so often crop up in International adoptions, as well as some very practical "how to's" for dealing with them, to help you see that, with God's help, this is "doable." She also shares the struggles they are going through as the girls reach adulthood, and how they are dealing with it.) 
  • Orphans' Lonely Beginnings Reveal How Parents Shape A Child's Brain (An interesting article done by National Public Radio on February 24, 2014. It features Izidor Ruckel, now 33, who was adopted from a Romanian institution at age 11. If you click on his name, you'll be taken to a page where he and Alex King, also an adult Romanian adoptee, are trying to raise funds and awareness to reopen International adoption in Romania.)
  • Adoption: Neat & Tidy? Not So Much! (This is a look at International adoption gone wrong . . . parents (unknowingly) adopting a child stolen from her family, (unknowingly) adopting a child who had no business being adopted. These parents did the right thing for the child, by returning her to her family.)

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